Wednesday, January 27

Thursday, January 21

Stormy Weather

I got used to no rain in SoCal and the recent deluge was getting me down but I saw a friend out walking yesterday enjoying the rain and I think I have changed my attitude. Make the most of it - put on your rubber boots, tie on a cozy scarf, grab the umbrella and explore!

Monday, January 18

Thoughts in the Air

Flight 45 Maui 12/30/2009

As I sit and watch the flight attendant (I still want to call them stewardesses)I wonder about her and her life.
She has the appearance of a long ago high school cheerleader. The French braided blond hair and makeup.
Too much jewelery for someone half her age but at what I am guessing is her mid 50's seems appropriate.

What a myriad of people she must have seen all these years. The change in fashion alone would be astonishing.
She began her job in the mid seventies and is still "flying the friendly skies" but they are not so friendly anymore. People push, shove,and squeeze Their way past you to their seat hardly aware when they smack you in the face with either their purse or behind.
Yet she still smiles and asks for your beverage order as she has done for 36 years. What a story she could tell about all the people she has met. I think it would be a great comedy and a unique perspective on travelers. Hollywood are you listening? " Up in the Air" but from a stewardesses point of view.

Friday, January 15

Happy Tears

"May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where
you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are
born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have
received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be
content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into
your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us."

A friend sent me this today and I have to say it made me cry.

Tuesday, January 12

Perseverance Pays Off

After many years of trying, Gladys finally has a squirrel of her own. He already needs surgery as his tail has been ripped off.

Friday, January 8

Ushering in 2010

Just a hint at what is to come in the next few weeks! I am opening up my own business.